Friday, October 3, 2014

Blog 100614

The main similarities i noticed between these two stories were that people who were normal could be pushed to the edge of sanity, whether from mental illness or something else, and there was a lot of substance abuse in both of these. This may reflect how much help we're giving those who need it, because Rachel may have needed more than she got from everyone in regards to her mother, and Charlie definitely needed to have some more understanding friends (I know his friends were portrayed as the only good thing in that movie, but they didn't seem to grasp that he needed help and patience). Our society kind of pushes people to the edge as is, from school or work, or capitalism in general, but when you put mental illness or substance abuse or both in the mix, things can go very wrong.

I am glad I have not yet gotten into substance abuse. It is a very real possibility for every teen and it is very dangerous. I have experienced a fair share of mental illness, though not to the extent of either of these stories. They haven't made me "come of age", or if they have I won't be able to see it until it's behind me, I guess.

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